In 2008, Wisconsin had a blue trifecta, then in 2010, we had a red trifecta. That’s life in a purple state. Democracy in action. Power changes hands. But Republicans didn’t like that idea. So they rigged it here in Wisconsin. In 2011, Republican lawmakers worked behind closed doors to draw rigged maps that guaranteed that even landslide election losses wouldn’t cost them their majorities. It has been one of the most egregious, extreme partisan gerrymanders in American political history.

Ever since, Republican politicians in Wisconsin have used their unchecked power to take the power away from the people of our state—restricting access to the ballot, removing authorities that voters had entrusted to statewide elected officials like the Governor and Attorney General, and smashing the freedoms of workers to organize and advocate for themselves. For thirteen years, the democracy-proof legislature has been laying siege to democracy itself. 

But then this past February everything changed. After more than decade of hard work, electing and then re-electing Governor Tony Evers, fighting tooth and nail to win and protect seats in the Legislature, and working tirelessly to elect pro-democracy Justices to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, fair maps became the law of the land once again.   

In November, at long last, Wisconsin voters will have a real choice in who represents them in Madison. The majority will determine the majority. 

And we aren’t taking anything for granted. WisDems, the SSDC, and the ADCC are teaming up to leave it all on the field. We’re running candidates in 97 Assembly Districts and 16 Senate Districts in our fight to retake the majorities, restore the blue trifecta, and to quote Gov. Tony Evers, “get sh*t done.”  

This is the team that will do just that.

Ladies and gentlemen!
Get on your feet and jump around!

Introducing the Wisconsin Legislative Democrats—the challengers and incumbents in the tightest races! Their victories in November can lead us to majorities in the Assembly and State Senate. 

This… is… your Democratic STARTING LINEUP!

  • LaTonya Johnson (SD-06)

  • Bob Wirch (SD-22)

  • Kelda Roys (SD-26)

  • Sylvia Ortiz-Velez (AD-08)

  • Darrin Madison (AD-10)

  • Robyn Vining (AD-13)

  • Kalan Haywood (AD-16)

  • Supreme Moore Omokunde (AD-17)

  • Ryan Clancy (AD-19)

  • Chris Sinicki (AD-20)

  • Deb Andraca (AD-23)


Our incumbents—the storied Democratic veterans of the Wisconsin Legislature—will face off against all Republican comers. These proven winners will pull out all the stops to defend their districts from the encroaching MAGA offensive line. (And it is offensive.) 

Check out our DEFENSIVE LINE!

  • Clinton Anderson (AD-45)

  • Jenna Jacobson (AD-50)

  • Lee Snodgrass (AD-52)

  • Lori Palmeri (AD-54)

  • Tip McGuire (AD-64)

  • Greta Neubauer (AD-66)

  • Francesca Hong (AD-76)

  • Shelia Stubbs (AD-78)

  • Lisa Subeck (AD-79)

  • Mike Bare (AD-80)

  • Alex Joers (AD-81)

  • Jill Billings (AD-95)

  • Kelly Peterson (SD-02)

  • Dora Drake (SD-04)

  • Paul Hambleton (SD-10)

  • Andi Rich (SD-12)

  • Melissa Ratcliff (SD-16)

  • Michael Rapp (SD-20)

  • Collin McNamara (SD-24)

  • Megan Lach (SD-28)

  • Renee Paplham (AD-01)

  • Alicia Saunders (AD-02)

  • Jason Schmitz (AD-03)

  • Jane Benson (AD-04)

  • Greg Sampson (AD-05)

  • Shirley Hinze (AD-06)

  • Karen Kirsch (AD-07)

  • Priscilla Prado (AD-09)

  • Sequanna Taylor (AD-11)

  • Russell Goodwin (AD-12)

  • Angelito Tenorio (AD-14)

  • Sarah Harrison (AD-15)

  • Margaret Arney (AD-18)

  • Dana Glasstein (AD-22)

  • William Walter (AD-24)

  • Stephen Welch (AD-25)


With a total of 97 Assembly candidates and 16 State Senate candidates, we have a deep bench of top notch Democrats ready to score big against Republicans in nearly every district.

Our DEMOCRATIC O LINE is a force to be reckoned with!

  • Kay Ladson (AD-27)

  • Danielle Johnson (AD-28)

  • Terry Schoonover (AD-29)

  • John Henderson (AD-31)

  • Michael Dhindsa (AD-32)

  • Alan Kupsik (AD-33)

  • Dennis Nitzel (AD-34)

  • Elizabeth McCrank (AD-35)

  • Ben Murray (AD-36)

  • LaToya Bates (AD-37)

  • Izzy Hassey Nevarez (AD-38)

  • Chris Gordon (AD-39)

  • Julia Henley (AD-41)

  • Maureen McCarville (AD-42)

  • Brienne Brown (AD-43)

  • Ann Roe (AD-44)

  • Joan Fitzgerald (AD-46)

  • Randy Udell (AD-47)

  • Andrew Hysell (AD-48)

  • Scott Walker (AD-49)

  • Kyle Kehoe (AD-55)

  • Emily Tseffos (AD-56)

  • Ruth Caves (AD-57)

  • Deb Anderson (AD-58)

  • Jack Holzman (AD-59)

  • Joe Lavrenz (AD-60)

  • Angelina Cruz (AD-62)

  • Ben DeSmidt (AD-65)

  • Jeff Foster (AD-67)

  • Richard Pulcher (AD-68)

  • Roger Halls (AD-69)

  • Remy Gomez (AD-70)

  • Suzanne Campbell (AD-72)

  • Angela Stroud (AD-73)

  • Jeanne Bruce (AD-74)

  • Jane Kleiss (AD-75)

  • Renuka Mayadev (AD-77)

  • Kevin Reilly (AD-82)

  • Jill Schindler (AD-83)

  • Zachary Roper (AD-84)

  • John Small (AD-86)

  • Bill Switalla (AD-87)

  • Amaad Rivera Wagner (AD-90)

  • Tara Johnson (AD-96)

  • Beth Leonard (AD-97)

  • Del Schmechel (AD-98)